Sunday, November 27, 2011


My best friend took this picture.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

This is alex. He's my cousin.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This is mine now.. I'm sleeping with it.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Am I the only one who dosn't give a hell about Thanksgiving? Because, I don't. My parents are split up so it's not like we all have a sit down dinner or anything. And my mom is vegan! Oh well.

I suppose this is just a rambling of where I am now. Heart was broken, heart stayed broke for a bit, but now it's mended. I like that. When someone comes along and lifts you up just a little and lets your head do the rest for you. It's a simple jesture, but it means a lot to me just the same.

I was thinking about when I was born today. I was really small when I was born. Small and sick. I was 1 pound and 13 ounces. Three months early. My mom was talking about that today for some reason. I guess I'm supposed to be here for something if I lived through all that stuff. It's kinda neat.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

And When Carl Sagan Died

And when he died, planet Earth was sad. They wondered why, the humans did, why he had to go on. He seemed fine, didn't he? Oh how the humans wonder still.

And when he died, the universe was happy. The cosmos held a beautiful welcoming. Stars were born in his honor. The universe gave him a present. The universe gave him nothing. He was now back into the cosmos, where we all belong.

On Earth, people looked to the sky, wondering where nature was taking him. Was he really here at all? they asked.

Carl Sagan became a star, nay, billions and billions of stars.

And then Earth understood, and now, when they look into the sky, they're happy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wack Job.

Dream catcher,

Is this wack job art junkie in a suit.

He's my boyfriend.


He dosnt have a suit all the time.

His name is David Byrne.

He lives inside my head and comes out when I wiggle my arms, and toes.

He comes out all the time,

I don't think people notice.

He's the twitch, the stare, the whatever.

Thanks David. I love you, man.
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