Monday, August 2, 2010

Road Trip So Far....

Greetings! I'm sitting in Baltimore Maryland in an old mansion from Victorian days. It was redone into a hostle. It is very pretty to sit by the window and think of dresses and tea and carriges. The Poe House is in a very bad part of town and such. Plus they moved the offical museme to Richmond, VA. But a man still owns it. But we arn't here on the days that its open and he's out of town! GAH! Damn my luck! We did go to the beutiful Annabel Lee Tavern. Tommorrow we see his grave and head upstate to stay on a farm for awhile then take a bus to the big apple.

The rest of the trip before that was all country stuff which I found boring expect I made a few friends (AND fellow HP Lovecraft fans.... CHTULU IS GOD!) at a hostle in Harpers Fary. The town its self was boring. Blah. Working on a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction! Should have some of it up soon I guess.

Onwards! The game is afoot!

- The Typist

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