It awakes from bed. So begins the day. It slithers out of the safety of the craddle. Pale feet step unto white painted later downwards. The kingdom of its four walls remain the same. The same pictures glued to the wall, the same things scatterd on the floor, the broken alarm clock in the corner, the beloved typewriter with no ribbion. All is there. It slips on the candy cane color robe. It pushes the white door open and it replies with a groan. The door hates being op end. The door likes to remain shut. To hide things. It walks into bathroom and looks at its self in mirrior. Slowly, ever so slowly, IT becomes GIRL. Girl stares down, never to be content with the way she looks. Girl throws on robe again. She forces the door open again. This time the door opens with a long drawn out "Whhhhhhhyyyyy?" "You had to be opend. I had to get in."
Her kingdom of four walls is the same. She turns to her typewriter affectionatly. "Soon my love, soon." she says with her dark eyes. Girl lifts up the needle on the record player and drops it down to "Herion". A pale hand reaches up to touch the dark hair. It hangs in her face freely. Girl yawns. She feels like the room is smokey. As if someone had smoked with her several nights, days, or hours ago.
Slowly her realization that she is alive sets in. There, right there. In the middle of her own floor, facing the record table. The lyrics roll of the needle and unto her face and into her mouth. But this is okay because it is normal. Cracking snow-boney-fingers, she starts to look for clothes. The same ones call out to her and she answers.
Picking up grey pants, a shirt from a various band, a rainbow belt to hold the pants, socks, her Chucks. Slipping into these things she slowly, ever so slowly, starts to become something more than GIRL. Girl advances to mirror again, ignoring the doors moans of pain. Girl applies her normal face. Eyeliner on the top of lids and pin-up lips. Eveolution
So now we see that IT eveloved into GIRL and GIRL eveoled into MARGARET.
About the peice: I had to write something about myself for English. I liked the peice so I posted
I like this mate,except for your crappy spelling as usual. To change the tone would be interesting as well, darker or lighter instead of the neutral report you gave. Cheers!
ReplyDeletelawl. Shut up Jeff.