Saturday, November 13, 2010

Beat Angel

I awoke looking like a survior of a concentration camp. I was hungrey and I could feel my ribs poking at me threw the thin wall of my stomaches flesh. I sat upright then I rememberd a dream.

I was sprawled out naked on a tile floor and my wrist were cuffed by metal loops with spikes dug into my flesh so my arms would be wrapped around me. I was a human straight jacket. I witherd and convulsed in anger as I heard Howl read and reread out to me millions of times by someone that wasn't him. My body arched in a way that it wasn't suppoed to be naturaly and my cerbal pasly made my legs twitch. It was all so bleak. The night sky from what I could tell threw this barred window..... was acid. The moon was full but it wasn't pretty. It gave off a war time greenish glow.

My own vile slid out my mouth as I heard his horrid visions. Then I cried. I was no longer a child. Was this what it was like becoming a woman? No longer a child yet I remained untouched. Everything around me was blue. A soft glowing blue, like the clean sheets at my Grandmothers house. The steal cuffs had melted off of me and then I heard his voice. He stepped threw the mist of acid night and wall and bricks to get to me. My twisted gaping body. I could move my hands again. He knelt down next to me and then I knew I was dead.

I saw the angel and for a moment I believed. His wings were a soft blue. He had jeans and a flannel shirt and no shoes; he was a beat angel. I felt something well up inside of me; my words. "Are you with me?" I asked. It didn't talk. I saw now that it had no gender. Beat Angel wrapped me up in its embrace and then I was floating backwards towards infancy.

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