Friday, November 26, 2010

A Quick Twenty

As I'm sitting here trying to get Darklands to download and waiting for my brother to show up so I can beat him in some serious video games, I've been thinking. Here now from my mind comes two list. These are not in by number of importance... they are simply there because they popped into my head first. This is not meant to be a piece of writing... just a random blurb so possibly readers could know me better.

Ten Things That I Hate And Or Annoy Me:

1. I hate it when people think The Jesus and Mary Chain are a Christan Rock Band.
2. Christan's in general.
3. Posers.
4. I hate it when you say you're bisexual that automatically means you're lesbian apparently.
5. Justin Beiber.
6. The really hard core (not necessarily religious) purist. "I don't drink or smoke or do drugs or anything of that nature so there for I have a better life than you. I'm so clean." You fucking wanker. Get a life!
7. Math. Enough said.
8. When you're mom even starts calling you goth... whatever that is.
9. Really really slow music downloads. Isn't download supposed to be instant?
10. The fact that The Cure isn't touring.

Ten Things I Like And Or Enjoy Doing etc:

1. Lou Reed.
2. The Jesus And Mary Chain
3. Music in general.
4. Ranting about things I hate.
5. Rum.
6. That moment you know there's something between you and a person.
7. Seeing someone you missed.
8. Anytime a Beatles song comes on the radio.
9. New eyeliner.
10. Christmas.

The end.


  1. I pretty much agree with the whole drug/alcohol thing except that I do think that drugs/alcohol can be a bit over hyped and taboo. And many stupid people get into it and make it worse than it is. I guess what I'm saying is ignorant people just choose to believe things that is generally prescribed to them by popular culture/beliefs. People use drugs to be bad ass and people don't use them to seem pure. It is a device at personal disposal and should really be seen for what it is, an escape (and/or fun). And don't we all look for that? I'm not saying that you don't agree with me or that you are wrong in any way, just wanted to get my point across. Not for any particular reason, I guess I just wanted to explore my feeling on the topic, and talking to myself in my head is getting boring. Sorry for my rant and hope I don't sound like a prude.

  2. So! People are ignorant,you don't like being judged and you love presents! Come to think of it! Me too!
