Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Sailing Adventure Part 2

As the flight waned on, we deiced to play catch with thoes little towle things they give you. I believe my brother won because we think he hit another person. Oh my god, I'm so sleepy again. Jim Morrison's voice is so soft... making me sleepy. I feel my body giving into the peaceful bliss of something. Ok, Jim. I'll sleep for you... I promise.

After what seemed forever, we landed in Tortola (Beef Island... crazy name, huh?) The ride from the aiport was most eventful. Wide green lush plants and honey people of the islands wizzed past in a tropical dream scape. The roads were "twisty turny". Made me sick to my stomach. We made it to the marina in the nic of time. My stomach is STILL grateful.

Amist grate confusion, we got a boat. Her name is La Bella Vita wich means The Good Life my sister and I quickly added an "awwww" on the end. The name sounds French, or Spanish. My sis and I sit outside reading books and drinking. All is well.

Later in the day when the food was stored, (alone with all the mother fucking tonic!), I got to sit on the tarp in the front of the boat. (I think the front is the bow?) I watched with wonderous eyes the clouds making shapes. Oh, I also learned that the boats name is Itiailian. Boy! My guesses were off....

So I sat on the tarp and looked at the twinkling lights of cars shinig like gems going up or down into an emerald mine of trees never to be seen again. I heard little children laughing. As I walked back I soon found my ballance. I later became more social and we all went out to eat. We went to a bar called... yup. You guessed it, The Batcave (WIN!!!). We had a waitress who didnt want to give us water, or so it seemed. Bellies full, I'm falling alseep. Tommorow we sail.

- The Typist

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